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Concept of Strategic Human Resource Management - Coursework Example

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The paper "Concept of Strategic Human Resource Management " is a perfect example of management coursework. Strategic human resource management refers to the linking of human resources with the strategic objectives and goals of the organization so as to improve business performance and create an organizational culture that fosters flexibility, competitive advantage and innovation…
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Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) Name Institution Date Introduction Strategic human resource management refers to the linking of human resources with the strategic objectives and goals of the organization so as to improve business performance and create an organizational culture that fosters flexibility, competitive advantage and innovation. Pattanayak (2005) argues that within an organization, strategic human resource management (SHRM) implies involving and accepting the human resource function as a strategic partner in implementation and formulation of the strategies of the company through human resource activities like training, rewarding, selecting and recruiting personnel. SHRM focuses on programs of human resources with long term goals and objectives. Other than focusing on internal human resources matters, the focus is placed on tackling and solving problems that influence programs of people management in long run. Thus, strategic human resource is primarily meant to increase employee productivity through focusing on business barriers that arise outside of the human resources. Concept of strategic human resource management Strategic human resource management is a concept that incorporates traditional human resource management within a company’s overall strategic implementation and planning. SHRM incorporates the human resource considerations with other financial, technological and physical resources in setting of objectives and goals and solving intricate problems affecting the organization. SHRM also gives emphasis on implementation of a set of practices and policies that builds that employee pool of knowledge, abilities and skills that are pertinent to the goals of the organization (Schuler, 2004). Strategic human resource management is designed to assist organizations to best meet the need of employees whilst promoting the goals of the company. Human resource management addresses any feature of the business that influences employees, like pay, benefits, firing and hiring, administration and training. Human resources might also offer work incentives, vacation of sick days, and safety procedure information. Strategic human resource management entails proactive management of individuals. It needs thinking ahead and planning ways in which an organization can better meet the needs of employees, as well as ways in which the employees can better meet the needs of the organization. Organizations that work hard toward meeting the needing of workers create a working atmosphere conducive for a productive workforce. Being capable of planning for employee’s needs through thinking ahead may assists to improve the rate of skilled workers who are able to remain in and work for the organization. When developing a strategic human resource plan, it is significant to consider the needs or wants of employees and what the organization can practically supply. Therefore, a significant feature of strategic human resource management is development of employees. The main actions of strategic human resource manager are meant to recognize key human resource areas in which strategies may be implemented in long run so as to improve overall employee productivity and motivation (Pattanayak, 2005). Strategic activities of human resource Employee motivation The strategic role of human resource manager has been identified as that of increasing employee productivity so that they can utilize their skills towards achievement of organizational goals, an innovative and progressive HR is supposed to increase satisfaction and motivation among workers so as to boost their output. Instead of utilizing pay incentives only, the HR can increase the output of workers by offering tailor fit benefits to meet their wants and needs and motivate them quality of work life. Increasing employee satisfaction promotes better productivity, produce efficient, loyal and effective employees boost increased quality of job and enhance them to stay longer and work for the organization (Smith, 2005). The nature of effectiveness and motivation among workers is the manner in which contemporary human resource management is done. Effective management produces a working environment that is conducive towards accomplishing the organizational goals, as well goals of the employees. In addition, the success of human resource management is determined by the skill and knowledge the HR has in identifying and evaluating concerns and issues influencing employees and his capability to resolve and handle them with the aid and satisfaction of employees. Therefore, the HR is suppose to take several factors into considerations, such as whether employees are aware of the way you judge and gauge their performance, training and education programs to promote and encourage personal development , confidence and trust on capabilities and knowledge of his employees. These factors not only promote employee productivity, but also help to avoid or address problems with employees and management. Accomplishing quality, good employee performance is dependent on how much opportunity the HR provide to the employees for their individual achievement and growth as well as responsibility, reward and recognition. Provision of tailor fit benefits to achieve the needs of workers is a significant portion in improving the quality of working life amid workers. Bruce (2000) argues that tailor fit benefits are able to maximize labor costs that are directed toward employees as well as return without essentially increasing operating and overhead costs. For example, instead of hiring, training and recruiting workers, which may involve more money and time, the human resource may motivate the existing employees through providing them opportunities for career development and growth such as enhancement and training. Efforts to gratify personal needs in workers with flexible benefits assist in reinforcing their motivation. It might even be increasingly valuable to the workers than just mere pay raise. Workforce planning Workforce planning entails a proactive, systematic procedure which aligns human capital, budgeting and strategic planning to meet objectives and goals of organization through analyzing the current talent and workforce supply, forecasting mission vital talent needs and developing, evaluating and implementing strategies that will ensure achievement of organizational and employee needs. Workforce planning provides human resource managers with strategic foundation for formulating human resource decisions and allows them to expect change other than being surprised by incidents. It also provides managers with strategic procedures for addressing anticipated and present workforce issues (Armstrong, 2004). Workforce planning focus on components like workforce demographics, succession planning and retirement projections and provides a more refined information on anticipated changes, competencies that retirement and other actions will take from workforce and the major positions that might require to be filled. Since the success of the organization depends on the company having the suitable workers with suitable competencies at the right duration, workforce planning offer human resource managers with ways of recognizing competencies required in workforce both in the future and in the present , and selecting and developing this workforce. When embracing workforce planning, the HR is supposed to put several factors such as diversity, staffing and competency. In regard to competency, the HR should consider any measurable and observable characteristics like skills, abilities, knowledge, behaviour and traits that contribute to effective job performance in a particular occupation role. Staffing entails recognizing the business needs of the organization, both projected and current, and determining if the organization is in possession of the right people required to accomplish organizational mission objectives. Considering evident diversity issues such as ethnicity, gender, physical ability and race, as well as underlying diversity issues such as work experience, culture and education is significant because it enables the manager to recognize the needs of the this diverse workforce and the pool of talents and skills it can bring into the organization. Employee development Employee development is a significant aspect of strategic human resource management. Employee development entails effort on the part of the HR and organization to upgrade the employee’s abilities, skills and knowledge. Effective employee development ensures a balance between the career goals and needs of the employee and organizational need to get the job done. Employee development is vital for prosperity and growth of any organization because employees are a major determining factor for success of the organization. The more qualified and capable the workers are, the increased the performance of the organization. When employees are well trained, they are able to handle situations and meet customer satisfaction resulting to customer retention. Employee development programs are vital to improve morale and motivate workers to perform well. Employees like learning new skills and meeting new challenges and they are increasingly motivated when they have a feeling that there is a great potential for individual growth. When an organization displays interest in developing employees, the workers naturally has increased interest in the development of the organization too. Training enables an organization to help the workers learn on how to execute their duties and improve work performance. Therefore, the HR should make sure that training is in line with the needs of the employees and the organization, is relevant and has a positive influence on the performance of the employees, as well as the entire organization (Sharma, 2009). The HR should also watchfully analyze and determine if the workers require training, and if so select suitable courses and monitor how the training affects a change in the performance of the organization. Good training programs will highly eliminate the need of hiring specialist to undertake particular tasks, increase work efficiency and help workers to know the latest techniques to employ for betterment of the organization. The HR should regularly scrutinize employee development training, set goals and timeframe on which the goals should be achieved and assign employees with tasks that match with their skills and abilities. Initiation of rewards like promotion, pay raises and tuition reimbursement will help to motivate workers and also make them eager to take part in employee development programs. Conclusion Strategic human resource management is essential for because it enables an organization to integrate human resource activities like training rewarding and selecting with the other financial, physical and technological resources in setting of organizational goals. It also enables organizations to proactively manage employees, think ahead and plan and implement policies and practices that build employee’s knowledge, abilities and skills that best meet the needs of employees as well as needs of the organization. Therefore, a strategic human resource manager is supposed to undertake activities like workforce planning, employee development and employee motivation to ensure the organization has the right workforce, with the right knowledge and skills will in turn increase employee productivity and the overall organizational performance. References Schuler, S., (2004). Strategic human resource management: linking people with the needs of the business .Organizational dynamics, 21, 18-32. Pattanayak, B., (2005). Human resource and personal management. Oxford: Blackwell. Smith, C., (2005). The importance of employee motivation in the achievement of organizational goals. Minnesota: Minnesota State University. Armstrong, M., (2004).Strategic human resource management: a guide to action. New York: Kogan Page. Sharma, S., (2009). Human Resource Management: A Strategic Approach to Employment. London: Routledge. Bruce, A., (2000). Motivating employees. New York: McGraw-Hill. Read More
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