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Role of Interpersonal Communication - Essay Example

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Communication can take several forms. Each form is distinguishable from the other based on the number of people involved, the opportunity to receive information and give feedback,…
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Role of Interpersonal Communication
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Business Communication Table of Contents Table of Contents 2 3 0.Interpersonal Communication 4 1.Role of InterpersonalCommunication 4 1.1.1.Role of interpersonal communication among managers 4 1.1.2.Role of interpersonal communication among employees 5 1.2.Techniques to overcome communication barriers 6 2.0.International and Intercultural Interpersonal Communication in Global Business 7 3.0.Verbal and Nonverbal Management Communication 7 4.0.Various Approaches for Effective Written Management Communication 8 4.1.Computers 8 4.2.E-Mail Communications 9 5.0.How to Engage Audience during Presentation and Encouraging Active Listening 9 5.1.Learner preparation 10 5.2.Posture and Movement 10 5.3.Repetition and alliteration 10 5.4.Questioning Techniques 10 5.5.Humor 10 6.0.Effective conflict resolution methods 11 6.1.Recognizing and solving the needs of the conflict 11 6.2.Emotions Control 11 7.0.Techniques for Leading Teams and Group Meetings 12 Conclusion 13 References 14 Abstract Communication refers to accidental or deliberate transfer of meaning, acting as a link to humanity. Communication can take several forms. Each form is distinguishable from the other based on the number of people involved, the opportunity to receive information and give feedback, and the formality of the interaction. Therefore, this paper investigates uses of interpersonal communication by managers and employees, role of international and intercultural and interpersonal communication in global business environment and verbal and non verbal management communication. Furthermore, various approaches for effective written management communication were analysed and the various ways of keeping the audience engaged during presentation analysed. The paper has also described the effective methods of conflict resolution and various ways of leading team and group meetings described. 1.0. Interpersonal Communication Interpersonal communication involves a person interacting with another, forming a dyad of two people communicating with each other. Quality of interpersonal communication can be measured along a continuum of intimate communication and impersonal communication. Personal interaction with the other party leads to the relationship becoming interpersonal, with the aim of treating each other as genuine people rather than just objects of communication (Baack, 2012). 1.1. Role of Interpersonal Communication Interpersonal communication is major component of daily communication among most people. People count on others to care for what happens on them, and help them sought out certain life issues. Every person needs care and requires others to know what they need. People normally communicate to develop identities and establish relationships to develop a coordinated approach to the issues that matter to them, as well as work out certain life problems. In the workplace, the interpersonal communication remains critically important. Importance of interpersonal communication to managers and employees is central to the effectiveness in the workplace (Adler, 2011). 1.1.1. Role of interpersonal communication among managers Normally, managers at workplace communicate in groups, in persons, in writing, on phone or electronically. Clear conveyance of business needs is quite complicated. It becomes impossible to separate completely the personal ad business needs. The two should be clearly understood to facilitate communication in the management docket. Therefore, managers must use interpersonal communication to avoid any barriers to communication, deliver the message effectively and to establish strong relationships that add value to the organization. To be successful, managers must effectively communicate with employees and those in high ranks in business (Bleemer, 2005). Managers must use interpersonal communication to establish strong relationships with employees. The manager accomplishes this by communication the business needs to them and acknowledging their personal needs. Also, managers use interpersonal communication to work with others in the organization, especially the peers, so as implement procedures and directives affecting the various levels of accountability. The managers must ensure that communication to the upper management is achieved. Effective communication to the upper management ensures enough resources to meet the business needs. Managers must, therefore, make use of interpersonal communication to ensure effective communication to the employees, their peers and the upper management (Hynes, 2012). 1.1.2. Role of interpersonal communication among employees Normally, an employee must feel comfortable in giving their views to either the manager or fellow workmates. This influences job satisfaction, hence need for interpersonal communication. An employee uses interpersonal communication to express an idea that he/she thinks is helpful to the company (Lammers, 2011). Employees communicate through email, social media, texts, intranets, HRIS, IM or via phones. An employee may find it necessary to confide in one person, be it in management or subordinates, to communicate any issue affecting him or the company. In this way, their grievances or ideas may be heard and submitted to the relevant personnel. In most companies, it might be hard for an employee to communicate directly to a higher authority. Most of them accomplish this through a person they believe can access the relevant people who will respond to his/her needs. Therefore, good interpersonal communication skills are essential; both for managers and employees for the success of the organization. Effective interpersonal communication allows easy understanding of the ideas and minimizes the workplace conflicts. Employees and management must work towards improvement of their skills in interpersonal communication to encourage a proper work place environment (Dekay, 2012). 1.2. Techniques to overcome communication barriers Currently, I am working as a Client Coordinator with an insurance company. My work entails receiving calls from the various client companies requiring me to fix their issues, such as employees being hurt while at work. Furthermore, I also conduct trainings for new employees within the company. Among the barriers to communication, I experience include expectations of familiarity, preconceived notions, differing perceptions, semantics and diction and emotional interference (Baack, 2012). Some of the skills I use to overcome such barriers include selecting the right channel, using the right language, engaging in active listening, avoiding at all costs confusing nonverbal communication and seeking feedback. Selecting the right channel has been very crucial. For instance, calling a client and wishing them a good day make more impact that writing an email with the same words. Using the right words ad tones to both clients and other employees prevents me from sending technical messages or communicating technically Focusing on listening has enabled me to listen actively to the client or employee before giving my response Also, I noticed non-verbal communication through actions, gestures or facial expressions is very powerful. At other times, such communication may give wrong implications to the other party. I avoid nonverbal communication at all costs Seeking feedback has enabled me get clarification to the messages and improves any further communication. 2.0. International and Intercultural Interpersonal Communication in Global Business International and intercultural, interpersonal communication refers to communication between individuals from different cultures internationally. For global businesses, the intercultural, interpersonal communication acts as an integral component of business communication. Any organization working towards enhancing the intercultural communication must be open-minded (Dekay, 2012). The communication involves the use of proper names and business etiquette. Normally, names vary from one country to the other. For instance, in United States, business card etiquette is that before sliding the card into the pocket, there should be a quick glance at the content of the card, while in UK; business people address each other using the first names. Therefore, international and intercultural, interpersonal communication must help achieve the global business goals and benefits in enhancing the interpersonal communication skills. International business is mostly affected by intercultural communication; this is due to the emergence of multinational companies that require communication to accomplish their business operations from various countries. Therefore, the intercultural, interpersonal communication enhances understanding of the attitudes, values, behaviors and beliefs necessary for effective cross-cultural communication (Hynes, 2012). 3.0. Verbal and Nonverbal Management Communication Verbal communication refers to the passage of information to people through speech. The communication applies the easily understood spoken words, ensuring that the stress, tone and enunciation of the voice used in expressing the words is appropriate. On the other hand, nonverbal communication refers the communication through visual cues between persons. Nonverbal communication involves the use of paralanguage, haptics, proxemics and physical appearance. In verbal and nonverbal communication management, one has to be conscious of the message communicated in order to give others an opportunity of receiving the message as intended. Any positive communication builds positive business relationships within the workplace. On the other hand, any negative communication results in conflicts and disturbances among the people in the workplace. Therefore, both verbal and non-verbal communication management must ensure consistent delivery of communication at all times (Baack, 2012). The management ensures that the communication between employees is effective. This may involve managers providing employees with information on various job related matters as the objectives and business policies. Effective management communication enhances employee morale and improves job performance. 4.0. Various Approaches for Effective Written Management Communication Written communication entails all interactions through a written word. Communication through writing is critical in the modern business communication. Therefore, it is crucial for business managers and owners to establish effective communication skills through writing. Writing can be done through hand writing or through use of computer, and can either be formal or informal. 4.1. Computers The advancement in technology has seen significant use of computers and computer networks in organization and transmission of information. Research indicates that people now are involved in so much writing for communication purposes, especially in corporate institutions. There is, therefore, need for developing writing skills since most business relationships between customers and suppliers is constantly maintained through written communication. The typed information can be sent to the recipient either through hand delivery after printing, faxing, posting or as an email attachment (Baack, 2012). 4.2. E-Mail Communications E-mail communications have turned as the most popular communication toll in most businesses. Email is effective due to its capacity of conveying business communication swiftly. This has transformed the corporate into communication workhorse for the business enterprise. However, companies should install firm email correspondence to guide on content, shape and tone of the context. All employees must adhere to the standards set. Generally, for written communication, spelling and grammar must be adhered to, especially when communication is directed to people outside the company (Lammers, 2011). 5.0. How to Engage Audience during Presentation and Encouraging Active Listening Lack of attention and interest of the audience, then the objectives of the presentation cannot be accomplished. The major challenge is to create a desire for the audience to continue listening as well as ensure that they understand the message put across. Therefore, as a presenter, there is a need to engage and re-engage the audience as well as encouraging active listening throughout the presentation. This is achievable through various ways. 5.1. Learner preparation The learner should be prepared for the learning experience to enhance readiness in learning. This can be achieved by exposing the audience to the materials of presentation prior to the presentation to increase recall and thinking time (Baack, 2012). 5.2. Posture and Movement Keeps the audience standing from time to time. Research shows that standing enhances heartbeat and actively engages the central nervous system. This will constantly energize them 5.3. Repetition and alliteration Constant repetition enhances more understanding of the concept. Saying the same thing for several times may be frustrating to the audience, hence repetition should be done creatively. Use words were starting with similar words as they tend to register well in the minds of the audience. 5.4. Questioning Techniques Research has it that the audience remembers at most 30 percent of the sentences presented and at least 85 percent of the questions asked. However, the questions should be in such a way to keep the audience thinking throughout the presentation. 5.5. Humor When used appropriately and naturally, humor attracts attention of the audience. Laughter keeps the audience relaxed, responsive and innovative. This should not be confused with comedy. It should be as natural as possible. 6.0. Effective conflict resolution methods Conflict is healthy, normal and part of every relationship, hence learning to deal with the conflicts in a healthy way is critical (Adler, 2011). Mismanaged conflict may harm the relationship, but when handled in a respectful way, conflict can be an avenue for growth and ultimate strength of the bond between the parties involved. Such methods of conflict resolution include: 6.1. Recognizing and solving the needs of the conflict Lack of understanding about the different needs of people involved may lead to distance arguments. In workplace environments, conflicts arise from the differing needs. Recognition of the legitimacy of the conflicting needs and willingness to examine them in a compassionate understanding and just environment, then the solution proposed improves the relationship. Painless ad quick resolution to conflict flourishes mutual trust. Therefore, success of the resolution depends on the ability to management stress while remaining calm and interpreting both verbal and nonverbal communication. This also involves controlling behaviors and emotions to enable one communicate the need without frightening, punishing or threatening. This may also involve paying attention to the feelings expressed by the other party and respecting the differences between them. 6.2. Emotions Control The capacity to stay relaxed during tense situations is critical in conflict resolution. Lack of centeredness and in control of self makes one remain overwhelmed throughout the whole process. Staying relaxed can be achieved by finding things that soothe the heart. Also, it is of critical importance that one manages the emotions. The ability to handle conflict depends on the connection to the feelings (Dekay, 2012). Improvement of nonverbal communication skills is very crucial in conflict resolution. Most important information during conflicts is exchanged nonverbally. This includes facial expression, eye contacts and gestures among others. When in conflict, paying close attention to nonverbal communication from the other party may help in figuring out the feelings of the another person. Calm tonal variation and concerned expression may be critical in defusing a heated exchange (Hynes, 2012). 7.0. Techniques for Leading Teams and Group Meetings Various techniques are used in leading teams and group meetings. These include: Giving every person a voice: Regardless of the type of meeting, all members in the group must be allowed a chance to speak their views and give their opinions. Allows for expression and discussion of various ideas: When a group has the mix of ideas, then there is the high likelihood of reaching into a conclusion. Members must be allowed to discuss and respond to them (Baack, 2012). Allowing a democratic, egalitarian process: This reflects ideals for the grassroots of the group and encourages diversity of the views. Encourage ownership of any decision and conclusion between the members: The final result originates from the idea of each member, hence the members should be made to feel that that was their decision and from the leader. Encourages the reluctant to speak: In most cases, quiet people tend to withdrawal and are never assertive. Therefore, the leader must ensure that they are supported and they are encouraged to participate. Allow open communication channels: People from different backgrounds and cultures only have a chance to speak in such forums, hence should be encouraged to speak whenever in such meetings. The leader must be cautious to notice such differences (Adler, 2011). Conclusion In conclusion, ability to communicate well is among the greatest factor for business success. Any effective business communication must ensure a good relationship between managers and employees. Both verbal and nonverbal information must be well managed to deliver the intention intended to the audience. Interpersonal communication is critical for both managers and employees. The intercultural, interpersonal communication necessitates global business transaction by enhancing communication across various cultural backgrounds worldwide. The written communication can be through computers typed documents, handwritten or though emails. However, all communication must ensure that the words used are grammatically correct and in accordance to the standards of the organization. During presentations, the presenter must ensure that the audience is kept engaged and actively participating throughout the presentation. This is achieved through as humor, asking questions, telling them to stand up from time to time and use of repetition among others. On the other hand, to resolve conflicts, there should be an understanding of the needs for the parties involved, noticing the use of non verbal communication and taking control of emotions and feelings among others. Therefore, effective business communication is key to resolving all differences and problems in a firm. References Adler, G. (2011). Management Communication. Harlow: Financial Times Prentice Hall. Baack, D. (2012). Management was communication. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. Bleemer, R. (2005). How Business Conflict Resolution Is Being Practiced in China and Europe. Alternatives to the High Cost of Litigation 23(9), 148-51. Dekay, S. H. (2012). Interpersonal Communication in the Workplace: A Largely Unexplored Region. Business Communication Quarterly 75(4), 449-52. Hynes, G. E. (2012). Improving Employees Interpersonal Communication Competencies: A Qualitative Study. Business Communication Quarterly 75(4), 466-75. Lammers, J. C. (2011). Management Communication Quarterly Forum: Institutionalism and Organizational Communication. Management Communication Quarterly 25(1), 151-53. Read More
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